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Abi Ferrin
Dallas, Texas, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
The number one thing that I didn’t do soon enough was start taking care of myself. I always felt like I had to get everything in order and then I could take care of myself, and that’s everything from taking some time to exercise, eating right, getting a massage, or going and sitting in a steam room. It doesn’t cost much to go sit in a steam room. Korean spas are very affordable, and you get back so much more once you’re making decisions in a healthy place.
I wish I would have learned this a long time ago as I sure am happier when I’m healthy! Developing the priority for yourself so that then you can give more to others—is such a beautiful lesson to learn. I take care of myself the way the way I would take care of somebody else.
A key to success is picking key mentors in your life, listening to their advice and applying it to your own life in a way that fits for you. Get to know yourself. Taking the knowledge given by key mentors and applying it to yourself and your own experience is really the key instead of running away from you. For my life, I have key people around me. For my business, I have chosen Tina Piermarini, my day-to-day mentor, and Michael E. Gerber, and then for my health and lifestyle I have Luz Delia Gerber for nutrition, my intuitive body work specialist, Tree King, and yoga teacher Chinook Wusdhu. I have also handpicked the Abi Ferrin Inc team, and I trust and go to them daily for input as I guide this company as CEO and designer.
Abi’s unique and versatile designs are not the only thing that set her apart. The Freedom Project is the philanthropic arm and the foundation of the company, educating, empowering and supporting women globally who needed a voice.