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Ambra Watkins

Lone Tree, Colorado, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed

Ambra Watkins is a Boomer mom intrigued by the Millennial generation. She is concerned for trophy-kids whose high expectations crashed into the reality of an economic downturn and for parents who are trying to help them find purpose in the postmodern world.

Ambra’s latest book, Escape from Dark Places, focuses on the rising levels of anxiety and depression in young people and what parents, grandparents, mentors, and church leaders can do to help.

Ambra holds an MA in English and a PMP certification. She worked for fifteen years implementing training, knowledge management, and organizational change initiatives at Accenture and other Fortune 500 companies. Her experiences living and working in Africa and traveling abroad lend a multi-cultural perspective to her life and writing.

Other publications include the story of a historic mill in New England–The Birth, Being, and Burning of Worumbo Mill–as well as two self-published biographies that capture the values and character of the past.