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Debra Lee James
Hagerstown, Maryland, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
As a woman of Color, Debra James, BSN, RN, HNB-BC, knows that even small steps with lifestyle changes can have a huge positive effect on health. Unfortunately, this information is not getting to the people who can most benefit from it. In 2016,Blacks had a 58% higher incidence of death from diabetes and a 64.3% higher incidence of death from kidney diseases compared to Whites.
Diabetes and kidney issues run rampant in the Black community. Debra’s own journey as a caregiver of both of her parents with different types and degrees of dementia, has given her deeper insight into the needs and solutions for families affected by dementia. She loves sharing what she has learned with others going through similar experiences.
Debra earned her first degree, BA Sociology, in 1984 from Howard University where she also received an Air Force commission as a 2nd Lieutenant. She earned her Bachelor’s in Nursing from The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing in 2003. She also has experience in physical rehab, hospice, long-term care, and dementia care. As a patient advocate, Debra assists patients and their families communicate better with healthcare providers by giving them information and tools so that they can to speak with healthcare providers, in order to get specific answers to specific questions.
She is living in Western Maryland with her husband of 25 years and their three cats.