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Deena Efferson-Williams

Palmdale, California, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed

Deena Efferson-Williams is a multi-talented woman who serves as a channel for both written and spoken word, healing, song, and Sacred movement to flow through. For Decades Deena has assisted others to greater states of health and wholeness as Yoga instructor, dancer, teacher, vocal / life, and fitness coach. For more than a decade, Deena served the community from the prestigious address of 6430 Sunset Blvd., Ste. 707. The healing office, known as “Heaven on the 7th Floor – in Los Angeles, also housed CNN. With one of the busiest practices in the city, her patients received successful treatments from a highly skilled and qualified hypnotherapist, massage therapist Reiki Master and Practitioner of both the Reconnection and Reconnective Healing.

Now focusing her practice closer to home, she offers online, phone, and in-person healing sessions, readings, consultations and treatment sessions as a Master Healer, Certified Life Coach and Spiritual counselor. Today, her focus is on completing the doctorate programs which she has initiated and moving her pet project Love Train around the world.

Rev. Deena is the Founder and Spiritual Leader of Channels of Light – A Wisdom of the Heart Church and Lighthouse Retreats and Wellness Centers.

Deena Efferson-Williams – Wife, Mother, Grandmother, God Mother, Goddess, and bestselling author of Snippets of Peace: My Devotion; a spiritual guide designed to help keep your mind focused on the good that life wants to give you, with concrete steps to follow, which help you navigate the light and the dark roads of life. Snippets of Peace offers simple, easy reminders of how to get out of the way and allow the good to flow into your life.