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Denise Vargas
Roslyn Heights, New York, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Denise Vargas is a lifestyle coach who strategizes with women who feel stuck in life and have limiting beliefs that make them feel out of control of their lives, they can be filled with self-doubt and feel they are missing out on so many of life’s opportunities.
Denise helps women dream bigger and learn to see themselves in a life they never thought possible. They discover they can create a life and work that has meaning and purpose, and never miss out on any opportunity again.
She is certified through Coach Training Alliance, a leading global coach training organization and has been coaching for several years helping others see life from a different perspective.
As a person with a disability, she has learned to live creatively and do things differently to ultimately get the results she wants in life. Denise has never taken no for an answer. In fact, she will work through a challenge just to prove to someone that it CAN be done… she just has to tweak it to work for her.
While Denise inspires people… the world, and those living and loving life is what truly inspires Denise. She became a life coach to help others be their own inspiration–to take a deep look at their life, and live creatively to make their dreams come true.