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Dina M. Jones
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Dina M. Jones is a graduate (September 2017) of theology from Princeton Theological Seminary.
In addition, she has studied the Messianic Jewish scriptures called the Didache (pronounced Did-da-k), these were instructions that the disciples used to teach the Gentiles how to live as followers of Christ.
She has written her books not only to reach those who are currently Christians but for those who are seeking knowledge regarding Christianity. She writes in “plain” English and with humor, for she states, “I am not your average Christian.”
Her ministry is called Not Your Average Christian Life or NYAC.life. There is a Facebook page on which she is active. Dina believes we are all human, none better than anyone else and everyone deserves the opportunity to see the glory of heaven. She hopes to convey that message in her work.