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Donald Lee
Peace River, Alberta, Canada
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Donald Lee has led an eclectic life: musician, teacher, band director, economist, power engineer, marketer, businessman, athlete, public speaker, and author. He holds degrees in economics and education, has performed professionally as a musician, was a finalist in the 1995 World Championship of Public Speaking, was a member of the 2013 Canadian Triathlon Team, and has taught band in several Alberta communities as well as in international schools in Kuwait and Pakistan.
As a Band Director and a Religion teacher, Donald Lee melds the two teaching genres to bring the “life of the spirit” truly to life in stories. Inspired by his teaching experience, Donald turns classroom episodes into modern-day parables that teach eternal truths.
Added to his own convoluted, life-long spiritual quest, Donald draws on his many years of teaching religion classes in Catholic schools – everything from A to Z – the Apostle’s Creed to Zen Buddhism. Following humbly in the steps of Jesus, Donald picks up the pedagogy of the parable to instruct through story.
Donald recently retired from teaching to work full-time on his new career as a writer and speaker. His first book is now available in paperback, eBook, and (in early 2020) audiobook: The Band Director’s Lessons About Life: Volume 1 – 50 Parables on Life’s Performance Cycle. It is a book of modern-day parables, with stories inspired by his teaching experience. He currently makes his home in Peace River, Alberta, Canada.