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Eileen Anümani Santos
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Eileen Anümani Santos, MBA and Modern Day Shaman, is a sought-after spiritual teacher and leader who channels powerful activations and delivers talks and workshops that empower transformational leaders, changemakers, creatives, healers, and messengers to unleash their Soul’s genius and show up in the world as their most brilliant and authentic self. She is the international best-selling author of Unmasking Your Soul: A Transformational Journey of Truth, Light, and Healing and contributing author to the award-winning anthology, Pebbles in the Pond: Transforming the World One Person at a Time (Wave 4).
While she spent the first half of her life in the corporate world, first as an electrical engineer, then as a management consultant after receiving her MBA from Columbia University, and finally as a leader for a non-profit organization, all that changed for her in 2003. It was then that she had a mystical dream that awakened her to a deeper calling. Here she began her own journey of self-discovery and unmasking of her Soul, leading her to a deeper purpose in life as an artist, author, channel, coach, shaman, speaker, and spiritual teacher.
She is an activator and awakener of the Christ Consciousness and a channel for the violet flame and the Merkaba energies. Through her powerful channeling abilities, she brings forward an orchestra of channeled sounds, vibrations, light language, ascended masters, galactic, and angelic beings of light, to help heal and restore her clients to wholeness, love, and grace. She also channels a galactic consciousness of Sirian Souls that call themselves Ishtar.
Anümani has been featured on MyNewPhilly’s Organic Living Segment, Experts Insights Blog Talk Radio, Business Innovators Radio, Millennial High Radio, among a variety of other media outlets. Anümani is the creator and host of the Unmasking Your Soul Conversations Facebook show. She’s the forthcoming author of Unmasking Your Soul: Activating the Sacred Mysteries of the Divine Heart (Book 2).
To read more about her and her products and services and to begin your transformational journey, please visit her website.