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Glen Ledwell

San Diego, California, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed

Glen Ledwell is a serial entrepreneur with a diverse background of experience. Starting his first business at 19 years of age, he’s since launched and sold half a dozen successful businesses in a variety of industries. Since 2007, Glen has been the CEO of Mind Movies, the San Diego-based personal growth company he co-founded with his wife, Natalie, and their friend Ryan Higgins.

Mind Movies is a young, dynamic company that teaches people how to use the power of the Law of Attraction and visualization to make their goals and dreams their reality. Their flagship product, The Mind Movies Vision Board Creation Kit, allows customers to create their own moving video vision boards complete with inspiring images, uplifting music and empowering affirmations in as little as 10 minutes—no technical skills required.

Using a combination of relationship building and marketing acumen, Glen was able to take Mind Movies from zero to over $6 million in revenue within the first three years alone. To date, Mind Movies’ personal growth products have positively impacted more than 1.3 million lives worldwide.