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Heather Szasz

Charleston, South Carolina, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed

My name is Heather Szasz and I have over 12 years of professional dog training experience, as well as experience as a life coach for a world-wide company. Having extensive experience in both dog training and life coaching has given me a unique outlook and ability to be very successful working with dog owners and the behavior issues with their dogs.

I started my career as a dog trainer 30 years ago in England when I was the owner of my first puppy–an airedale terrier named Sharka. I trained with Geoff Grinham, the author of the book Dog Training and Behavior. You will find many pictures of Sharka and myself in Geoff Grinham’s book. However, please remember that was 30 years ago, so I do look a bit different today!

Life took a left turn, as I ended up in Florida for 22 years. I had not been certified as a dog trainer in England, so I chose to begin a residential house cleaning business. After a few years, I sold the my cleaning business and said to myself, “What do I really want to do?” My answer was that I really want to be a certified Professional Dog Trainer, so I went to the Animal Behavior College and graduated!

I have worked with many one-on-one clients, taught agility classes for fun, and mentored students from the Animal Behavior College. I have worked with rescues, volunteered for nine years, and spent the last two of those years as a trainer in a prisoner/shelter dog program. In total, we have trained and adopted 75 dogs!

My focus now is on coaching owners in how to influence their dog in a positive way through transforming our anxiety and negativity which our dogs are living with on a daily basis. Remember Happy Owner/Happy Dog! Please check The Balance Procedure Page for more information on how to take control of your energy and how that will affect your dog’s behavior.