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Jan Weel
Aurora, Ontario, Canada
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Born in Barbados, Jan Weel holds a B.A. degree in English, History and Social Anthropology from the University of Durham, England (1969) and a Diploma in Early Childhood Education (with Distinction) from the London Montessori Centre, England (1984). In 1983 to 1984, Jan participated in an intensive year-long experience of contemplative prayer based on the classic Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola.
In 1983 to 1984, she experienced a life-altering spiritual transformation which changed her from the roots up. Jan calls this her ‘second conversion’.
For 26 years, the author has individually accompanied and guided Christian women from a wide variety of Christian denominations on their faith journeys, guiding them both individually and in groups, and conducting day retreats and instructional workshops. Her goal has been and continues to be to introduce Christian women to a firsthand experience of God’s presence, healing love and rest.
Jan’s overriding message is that trying to know and/or ‘find’ God without knowing how to experience firsthand for yourself His unique brand of love—whenever you want or need to—is like trying to walk with one foot!
Jan notes that the institutional Christian church is not set up to help adult Christians achieve this absolutely essential stage of personal Christian development. She believes that the answer to this problem is to find a trained, experienced and trustworthy Christian spiritual guide who can introduce a seeker to meeting God in his/her own unique way and to experiencing God’s love firsthand for herself/himself, whenever he/she wants or needs to.
For 35 years Jan’s life’s mission has been and is to teach men, women and children how to experience God’s presence, healing love and rest directly for themselves.
How I Learned to Let God Find Me in the Good Times and the Bad: A Spiritual Memoir tells the author’s personal story and offers actionable resources to people in urgent need of God’s guidance in times of severe challenge.