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Dr. Joy Pedersen
Sarasota, Florida, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Joy S. Pedersen, President, and Founder of Express Success LLC, is a Licensed Spiritual Healer, Certified Spiritual Health Coach, Certified Law of Attraction Practitioner, ordained minister, and Doctor of Divinity as well as a noted business consultant and networker with a celebrated international clientele. She works closely with individuals and businesses of all sizes to overcome their challenges with money, relationships, career, business, health, and well being. Her work over the phone, Skype or Zoom, includes clearing property, negative memories, past lives, darkness, energy, and karma.
In 2004, Archangel Michael came to this divine channel asking her to channel and publish his book, Wisdom of the Guardian: Treasures From Archangel Michael to Change Your Life. He also asked her to join him in a healing practice.
The #1 bestseller, Clear Your Past and Change Your Future shares their work healing the planet of the cause of evil and clearing the karma of the fallen angels to bring forth Heaven on Earth. It includes messages from God explaining the history and future of the world.
She is also a contributing author to Big Bold Business Advice. Her chapter addresses how your subconscious is either supporting or sabotaging your success. It elaborates on her intuitive work identifying the hidden causes of challenges dating back to the beginning of time. Using a spiritual healing process, she then clears that cause to change the future helping people achieve even more success quicker and easier.
She also has chapters in How to Crush it in Business Without Crushing Your Spirit: How Entrepreneurs Can Overcome Depression and Find Success, Angels Among Us: Whispers of Love, Light and Blessings, Conceived to Lead: Dismantling the Glass Ceiling Mindset, From Fear to Freedom, and Women On A Mission: Sisterhood of Stories.
During her client sessions, she may channel God, angels, and others sharing insights to their specific challenges. Her audio and written channeled messages together with further background to her work may be found on her website.