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Dr. Klara Gubacs-Collins
Mahwah, New Jersey, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Dr. Klara Gubacs-Collins is a University Professor, Speaker, Best Selling Author, Multiple Champion Athlete and Mentor.
Dr. Gubac-Collins’ passion, as a Winning Mindset expert, is to help people find and operate from their true inner genius. Like you, she has seen the phrase inner genius defined numerous ways over the years. There is however, one common theme in business, sports and life. No matter how you define it… it is of no use if you cannot communicate and implement it. As a result of participating in hundreds if not thousands of hours of business programs, masterminds and other forms of training Dr. Gubacs-Collins has discovered the one ingredient that makes or brakes life and business and that is the ability to operate and communicate from your inner genius.
Dr. Gubacs-Collins’ expertise stems from over 25 years of academic, and business studies and multiple championships in a variety of sports. She teaches a unique, individually tailored blend of physical, mental and emotional skills to her students and clients to bring them from Contender to Champion in business, sports and life.