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Kyle L.B. Morey
Tucson, Arizona, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Kyle Morey is a man who walks his talk. He does not practice his faith, he lives it with each breath and integrates it into everything he does.
Raised in Louisville, Kentucky, and a graduate of Indiana University, Kyle spent two years in France on a mission for his church. That was a true test of faith since he barely spoke the language when he arrived in that country. Not only did Kyle make it through the entire two years, he returned to become both an entrepreneur and work at the executive level of several Chambers of Commerce, his most recent position being double CEO (Chief Executive Officer and Chief Enthusiasm Officer) at the Madison County, Indiana Chamber. Wherever he has been, Kyle made his mark, always leaving places better than he found them and consistently breaking records for success.
Simultaneous with his full-time work, Kyle is a volunteer ordained minister in his church and he traditionally dedicates at least 20 hours a week in service. He generally rises around 5:30 am and follows a rigorous schedule of devotional practices that continually awaken him to the eternal presence of the Spirit.
Kyle and his wife, Denielle, are the parents of 5 wonderful children to whom they are devoted. As of this writing, the Moreys are on a three-year mission/adventure as wandering worldschoolers, homeless house sitters, and venturesome volunteers. Another exercise in faith, they ask God where to dwell temporarily, then they roll up their sleeves to work, serve, speak at meetings and gatherings, and, of course, present Kyle’s books.