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Melissa Hood
Austin, Texas, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Melissa Hood has struggled with the condition of ADHD throughout her entire life. Upon completing her research study (“The Identification of Current Coping Strategies For College Students With Learning Disabilities”) at Texas State, she decided that she could better assist other students with ADHD, by writing her own life story. Missy will take you through her highs/lows, job losses, and triumphs as she shows the reader how they too can overcome the condition. There are SO many misinformed stigmas about ADHD that compelled Missy to write her story. She’s here to prove to others like herself that they TOO can overcome this condition with spiritual help and the RIGHT coping skills to beat the scientific odds!
When all the odds are stacked against a human being to succeed, thats when the tough get going, to show those that set the standards of success their own speculative ambiguity.
Its ALL about having awesome (Healthy) coping skills! Anyone can cope with life by just getting by, but this book will teach the reader how to OVERCOME! Let her show you as you embark on reading about her life!