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Metka Lebar

Celje, Slovenia
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Metka Lebar is an Author and Co-Author of bestselling books, an Access Consciousness® Certified Facilitator, Access Bars® Facilitator and Body Process Facilitator, Energy Healer, Reiki Master/Teacher, Sound Healer – Member of SHA (World Sound Healers’ Association), Creativity and Personal Growth Coach and Workshop Leader with more than 20 years of experience in energy and therapeutic work.

With her background in music, art, philosophy, neuro-linguistic programming, communication skills as well as many healing modalities and esoteric paths she has a vast field of knowledge to draw upon, while she is all the while focusing on facilitating people to discover their own inner wisdom.

Metka Lebar is a founder of Foundation for Creative Thinking and Ecology of Mind, offering Access Consciousness® classes and workshops in creativity, music, overtone singing, communication skills, reiki, sacred geometry, sound healing and meditation. Additional to that she is organizing Conscious Travel Groups to ancient Egyptian and Mayan Temples as well as Communing with Nature Journeys – Swimming with Dolphins and Whales.

She is the author of Holographic Communication Series, Teachings of the Inner Temple, Sacred Geometry – Archetypes of Spirit, Mandala Book and Love Letters to My Self as well as co-author of The Colors of Now and My Creative Thoughts Journal.