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Muz Murray
Estoi-Faro, Portugal
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Muz Murray is an English mystic and Mantra Yogi (known as Ramana Baba in India) and one of the rare westerners to have experienced Cosmic Consciousness, a Near Death Experience, an OOBE and Samadhi states.
After an unexpected spiritual awakening through the experience of Cosmic Consciousness at the age 24, which changed the whole course of his life, he spent many years studying with masters from all traditions, while hitch-hiking halfway round the world. He was the Creator-Founder of the renowned “Gandalf’s Garden” mystical centre and magazine in London in the Sixties. In the Seventies (after 3 years wandering all India as a sadhu) he became co-founder of The Open Centre in London for spiritualised psychotherapy. For the last half century he has taught Mantra and Advaita Vedanta workshops in many countries around the world.
He is the author of four spiritual books (with editions in Dutch and Italian), and an esoteric fantasy. A multiple time interviewee on BBC TV and Dutch and Italian television. Because of his adventurous life and travels in Africa and India the Mind-Body-Spirit magazines have dubbed him the ‘Indiana Jones of Yoga.’
His latest book is “You Are the Light: Secrets of the Sages Made Simple”. https://www.muzmurray.com/you-are-the-light
A longer potted biography can be found on his website here: https://www.muzmurray.com/interview