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Paul Lawrence Vann

Fort Washington, Maryland, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed

Paul Lawrence Vann, Certified Expense Reduction Consultant (CERC); M.S. Contract & Acquisition Management; M.A. Business Management; and B.A. Business Administration. He is President and Founder of Wealth Building Academy, LLC. Paul has over 34 years of financial expertise to include financial management, cost analysis, budget analysis and expense reduction experience.

Today Paul works with small to midsize businesses to assist them in understanding how to identify savings they’re not aware of, in order to improve their bottom line. While a United States Air Force (USAF) military officer, he saved taxpayers $3.6 billion dollars by leading his team to assess and cancel a major acquisition program. Paul had a two-year break in service and worked as a financial analyst for Mobil Oil Company in Houston and Beaumont, Texas.

After 20 years in the USAF, including 12 consecutive years in the Pentagon and a year as a Capitol Hill Fellow, working for a member of Congress in the United States House of Representatives, Paul retired in the rank of lieutenant colonel. After leaving the military, Paul started his motivational speaking company; is the author of the book, Living on Higher Ground; delivers business coaching; expense reduction consulting; and is host of The Wealthy Speaker Talk Radio Show. Paul shares his voyage from abject poverty to his vision for success.