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Sandy Hounsell
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Since 2001, Sandy Hounsell’s intuitive healing gifts have touched thousands of people around the world to wake up and shake up their lives for the better by healing their souls first. People who are lost, depressed, suicidal, or stuck in the sadness of drama, trauma, and chaos from troubling events of the past come to Sandy to clear out the rubbish so they can discover the courage to set aside their struggles, overcome fear and self-doubt, and move forward to create happy lives from the inside out forever.
Whether clients work with her one-on-one (by phone, Skype, or in person), participate in her group webinars and workshops, or gain inspiration from her life-changing presentations and soul nurturing books, they place themselves firmly back in the driver’s seat to live their truth and find lasting joy in their lives.
Sandy’s calm, centered, and clear presence is a powerful, force that guides people from victim to victor in their relationships with issues surrounding people, money, and meaning. As a result of their soul healing work with Sandy, clients rediscover unconditional love so they can forgive others, find compassion, and begin the joyful journey to love their lives, perhaps for the first time.