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Satyanna Chris Luken
Laguna Beach, California, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
Satyanna Chris Luken, born and raised in France, is the Visionary behind IWE and the Founder of Green Valentines Festivals which were both created to raise awareness on sustainable living and aimed at creating a bright future of our children.
Satyanna was trained in the Montessori school system thirteen years ago and taught seven years at Anneliese’s Academy, a Waldorf inspired, multi-intelligence focus school. She brings many other skills to the table: 20 years of teaching, extensive world travel, working with teens and people of all ages in the fields of yoga, meditation and personal growth.
The book she wrote, “ABC of Conscious Parenting, Agreements Before (and after) Conceiving” was inspired by her son Christofer, whom she lost to a brain tumor 4 years ago, just before his 4th birthday. You can buy this book on Amazon or as an e-book on her website: www.ABCofConsciousParenting.com. The book is endorsed by many, including Marianne Williamson (Spiritual Activist, Lecturer and Founder of Peace Alliance and Project Angel Food, as well as Author of 4 Best Seller Books) and Stephen Farmer (award winning author of Children’s Spirit Animal Stories and Cards).
In 2010, Satyanna taught an eight year old autistic boy for a period of 8 months and was instrumental in his ability to learn, connect with other children and finding a sense of overall peace. She is now working with another special needs child who is 3 years old and thriving within the IWE model.
Satyanna is committed to connecting, inspiring and empowering young people. Her vision is to create communities around the world of youth aged 3-24 where the younger children have role models to learn from while the older ones have a chance to develop life-long leadership skills. Elders come to share their wisdom with the youth and vice-versa.
Love is her inspiration and she has held this vision of a new education system for our youth for many years. Finally she has connected with and gathered these amazing community leaders, willing to share their passion and skills with our youth.