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Susan Guiher

Ivyland, Pennsylvania, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed

It all began in 1999 when Sue Guiher decided to leave Corporate America for good. She quickly rose within the ranks until she was an executive with a healthcare company overseeing 85 staff.

Sue stepped away from her life for a month while she was on maternity leave with her first son. When she returned to her job, she realized it was no longer the place for her. After taking her first coaching class, she knew instantly what she was meant to do for the rest of her life.

With her business background and coaching skills, she could help others grow their businesses and realize their dreams. It is Sue’s mission to help small business owners grow their business to a place where they feel like they are thriving financially while also thriving emotionally.

Her clients have time to spend on their physical, emotional and spiritual well-being, as well as time to spend with their family and friends. Helping people thrive has become a mission and a passion for Sue.