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Susan Schmidt
Dallas, Texas, USA
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Bestseller Status: Confirmed
For 20+ years, Susan Schmidt has worked as medical researcher and consultant in the fields of complementary medicine and regenerative sciences. This includes areas of cellular regeneration, stem cell therapy and new health technologies.
Now, with the latest Menlascan Technology, she provides her clients with personalized education in lifestyle assessments, whole body analysis and supplementation to rebalance deficiencies for optimal health.
Susan has managed a private membership group seeking anti-aging information and solutions. She has administered precision testing to measure the effects of her clients’ lifestyle choices on their telomeres, intracellular micronutrients and overall physical regeneration.
For 9 years, Susan served as co-editor of Medicine for a New Era newsletter providing articles on the latest accredited and authoritative research for anti-aging products, regenerative medicine and stem cell advancements.
Susan holds a master’s degree in Library and Information Science with a specialty in research and is a licensed phlebotomist. She has spent the past 11 years studying autologous adult stem cells and the availability of treatment options national/international.
She believes the future of holistic healing and optimal health lies with the development of stem cell research, frequency medicine and regenerative technologies along with bioenergetics (transformation of energy), which enhances your own healing system.
Her passion is to affect change for her clients through precision testing, cellular regeneration and frequency therapies. It is with these goals that Susan focuses her time and energy.
Remember…Your body wants to heal itself and Susan is here to offer you support!